FAQ - Other

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions about the transportation industry

We regularly see the same questions about our industry coming back. That’s why on this page we are already giving you the answers to the most frequently asked questions about all things transportation.

What is the difference between a swap body and a container?

There are 3 types of containers. We briefly explain the differences here:

  1. Container for bulk goods (BV: soil, sand, etc). These have different sizes and are provided according to the material/goods to be transported.
  2. Maritime containers. These are mostly used in combined transport such as by ship-train and truck.
  3. Swap body. These are also used in combined transport, there rather by truck and/or train (when no ship is involved).

How big is a shipping container?

Sea container dimensions are expressed in feet (1 foot = +/-0.3m). Common container sizes: 10′ – 20′ – 30′ – 40′ – 45′.

How long can a trailer be?

The useful load floor length of a semi-trailer is 13.5m.

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